She lays, sleeping beside me
Like she were a dead angel
Her white face opaque
The light of her blue eyes
Shining through her closed eyelids
Pale pink lips
Erect and romantic
Suck me into her, fascinated and transfixed
How vulnerable she seems
How beautiful
As she dreams
Of being alive
And wakes to find it's all a dream . . .
Her expectancy shattered
She recoils confused, throws back her veil of
Detachment and wonders who she really is
Conforming to other people's standards
Has erased every emotion
She has ever felt
Beneath her skin
A tormented child lingers hoping
To be found out
And forgiven and held
'Til she would suffocate
Or be sure of who she is
Abuse is the key
She throws herself against the spiked wall
for only pain will pierce
The veil of her own numb feelings
Her shame is the only self-respect she knows.